Our Mission Is to Provide a Professional & Honest Approach to Health Care

Nurses Week 2024
Success Story – August – Tony Evans
by Admin | October 2, 2023 | Success Story | 0 Comments
Success Story – July – Connie Brochu
by Admin | August 24, 2023 | Success Story | 0 Comments
Success Story – Nov – Clay Clark
by Admin | December 29, 2022 | blog | 0 Comments
Ms. Clay Clark is an 81-year-old female that came to Hallmark after a brief stay at the hospital for dysphagia, unintentional weight loss, and intrahepatic. Ms. Clark received occupational, physical, and speech therapy while here at Hallmark Healthcare. Ms. Clark worked very hard every day, determined to discharge home after completing her therapy. After her hard work and determination, Ms. Clark was able to return home to her residence utilizing a rollator for assist with functional mobility.
Success Story – Sept – Ms. Robinson
by Admin | October 26, 2022 | blog | 0 Comments
Ms. Robinson came to Hallmark after a hospitalization stay at Trident Medical Center. She readmitted on Sept 3, 2022, after a short stay at the hospital due to a deep vein thrombosis. Ms. Robinson gave 110% everyday in therapy and she pushed herself, even on days she didn’t feel up to par. She would always ask for exercises to do on her own and went the extra mile to meet her goals. We are pleased to say, Ms. Robinson will return home with her son and loved being a patient at Hallmark.
Success Story – Aug – Janet Shuffler
by Admin | October 26, 2022 | blog | 0 Comments
Mrs. Janet Shuffler came to Hallmark Healthcare after a brief stay at MUSC due to left total knee arthroplasty. Mrs. Shuffler worked very hard and was very motivated to return home. While she was in the gym, she would motivate other residents to keep going and to push harder. The residents loved her and always wanted to come to the gym while she was present.
Success Story – July – Margaret Ware
by Admin | October 26, 2022 | blog | 0 Comments
Ms. Margaret Ware came to Hallmark Healthcare after a brief stay at the hospital due to a recurrent fall, UTI, and Acute Kidney failure. While Ms. Ware was here, she received physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
Ms. Ware worked very hard with therapy and was very motivated to return home to her son. She stayed very motivated with each therapy session, putting a smile on everyone throughout the facility.
Success Story – June – Ms. Smith
by Admin | October 26, 2022 | blog | 0 Comments
Ms. Smith was living with her sister and nephew in a single-story home, independent with all her mobility prior to her fall at home resulting in a fracture of her left hip. She admitted to Hallmark Healthcare Center for extensive rehab for her to regain her strength and independence to safely return home. Ms. Smith’s dedication really shined during her brief time at Hallmark. She was able to return home with her sister requiring some assistance however she will continue her journey with home health services to regain her strength.